Friday, February 26, 2010

Institute of Medicine to Start Burn Pit Health Study

The Institute of Medicine is going to commence a study of the health effects of the exposure to dust and fumes. Burn pits were utilized in Iraq and Afghanistan to improperly incinerate trash including toxic substances and human biological waste.
Soldiers and civilian contractors returning from Iraq and Afghanistan have serious medical issues and some have been fatal.
The NY Times reported:
"Rep. Tim Bishop (D-N.Y.) attended the committee meeting and applauded the VA for taking 'an important step forward.'"
"'This is an issue that should be definitive in terms of the science,' Bishop said. 'I don't think this is mysterious. I think that a careful, methodical study will yield the results that anecdotal evidence has already shown, and that will allow us to act.'"
Click here to read more about the chemical exposures in Afghanistan and Iraq.