Monday, August 10, 2009

CMS Requests Public Comments On Mandatory Reporting

The Centers for Medicare and Medicad Services (CMS) has published a public notice requesting comments on the definition of a Responsible Reporting Entity (RRE) to comply with MMSEA Section 111.

The proposed changes would replace the existing Section 7.1 of the User Guide. The proposals would further define:

1. Who Must Report
2. TPAs (Third Party Administrators)
3. RRE (Responsible Reporting Entities)
4. Deductible Issues
5. Fronting Policies
6. Re-insurance, Stop Loss Insurance, Excess Insurance, Umbrella Insurance, etc.
7. Multiple Defendants
8. Self-Insurance Pools
9. Assigned Claim Funds
10. Workers' Compensation
11. Liquidation
12. Bankruptcy
13. Multi-National Organizations, Foreign Nations, American Indian, Alaskan Native Tribes

Comments must be submitted by August 16, 2009.